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Albany United Methodist Church
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From Rev Bendi’s Desk:

How Rich are YOU???

“You are richer tiday than you were yesterday…IF you have laughed often, given something, forgiven even more, made a new friend, or made a stepping stone of a stumbling block; IF you have  thought more in terms of “thyself” than of “myself”; IF you have managed to be cheerful even if you were weary. You are richer tonight than you were this morning….IF you have taken time to trace the handiwork of God in the commonplace things of life, IF you have learned to count out things that really do not count, IF you have been a little blinder to the faults of friend or foe. You are richer tonight than you were this morning….IF you have looked for the best in others, and have given others the best in you. You are richer tonight than you were this morning. For it is in losing yourself for others that we find purpose and meaning in our lives. How rich are you?

                                                                                                                        Rev. Bendi

Surgery update….As of today, February 21, I am at between 50-75% of my weight on my

foot in a walking boot. I hope to soon be able to walk without crutches in the boot and be able

 to drive once again. By the end of March, I should be able to put a shoe on.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.


Sunday Night Live


Everyone is invited to come and enjoy food, fellowship, and learning!

Yoga 4:45, Dinner at 5:30, Small Groups at 7:00

There will be classes for all ages!!!!!

We need Volunteers to cook and/or clean every week –

there is a sign up sheet in the back of the church

We need volunteers to help with the children and youth groups as well.


Would you be interested in a 6-week Lenten class? We would probably meet on Tuesdays at 10:00am, starting March 11. Let Rev Bendi know if you are interested.


Ash Wednesday 6:30pm


I know we are just through the coldest days, but look to SUMMER!

Again this year, June 23-27 we are hosting Heartland Camp! Camp goes M-F from 9:00-4:00.

The cost is $30 per child/$50 for a family. We can take 48 children who have finished Kindergarten through 6th grade. (Unless you are an United Methodist, then we will take 4 year olds)

Get registered at


Mark your calendars!!!! January 3-10, 2026 for our Mission Trip to the Appalachian Service Ministry Project in Jonesville VA. We will be working with people in the area who live in substandard conditions. Our lodging, food, work is included in price. The price per person will be around $400.

Start saving now! Anyone is welcome to come, we can find work for all ages and capabilities.

In July, we will begin registering our group!!!

Every month we list our Food Ministries. Here’s a little information about each one.

USDA Commodities/Senior Boxes – Saturday, March 8 – 9:00-10:30

(We need volunteers to help us put commodities in clients’ cars. Come at 8:45)

We were asked to host the USDA Commodity Distribution and Senior Boxes by Second Harvest. People who receive these foods must qualify by government qualifications and must be a Gentry County Resident. Items are delivered on the first Thursday of each month, so we hand them out the following Saturday. Our “service” is that we help people to their cars with the items. If you would like to serve, please come on Saturday the 8th about 8:45. We are done by 10:00

Wal-Mart Excess/Food Pantry – Tuesday, March 4, 18 - 9:00-10:00 a.m.

Many years ago we started a food pantry that is housed at our church through the Ministerial Alliance of Albany. A few years ago, Second Harvest connected us with Wal-Mart. Every day Wal-Mart has excess products that they need to get out of their store. Ed Manring usually drives over to Bethany on Mondays and gets the excess. This food is for ANYONE. The food pantry is also open at this time, the pantry is for Albany School district residents only. Our “service” is to organize food and help people go through the line.

Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry – MONDAY MARCH 17- 10:00am

Every month, Second Harvest brings a truck of food and it gets put on palates outside the church. People in their cars drive by and our “service” is to put the food in their cars. This food is for ANYONE. Sometimes we have to bag food and sometimes we don’t. We never know what will be on the truck.

If you would like to help with any of these ministries, please come and help.

We can always use more hands and feet!!! If you have any questions, ask

Chris Cain, Cathy Adkins, Debbie Lippincott, or Rev Bendi


There are Telephone/Email lists in the back of the church, these are NOT membership lists, just contact information.


If you and your family haven’t given a cross for the church Faith Wall,

please get one, put your name on the back, and we will get it hung up.


We still have a few classes for Sunday School on Sunday mornings.

David Brown is leading a class studying “What Comes Next” by Max Lucado

Chris Cain is leading a class studying God’s love, Sue Nichols leads the Middle/High School Class

March Birthdays

1 – Terry Snead, Mark Rodriguez

6 – Terry Lippincott, Judy Edwards

9 – Lane Watson

13 - Staci Freeman

17 – Glenda Salmon, Steve Jensen

19 – Zyler Freeman

20 – Cathy Adkins

21 – Missy Martin

22- Viola Smith

23 – Kerri Messner

25 – Zola Steinman

Sunday Reminders

Scripture Reader

2-Zane Freeman

9-Clara Almquist

16-Zaxton Freeman

23-Eliza Rolves

30-Hannah Almquist


2-Barry and Zola Steinman

9-Judy Edwards and Jaime

16-Freeman Family

23 -Larry and Rosalie Price

30-Almquist Family

Children’s Moments

2-Jess Rolves

9-Staci Freeman


23-Chris Birdsell

30-Bendi Burgin


2-Richard McConkey and Denice Harness

9-Jeffrey Epperly and Gregg Salmon

16-Debbie Lippincott and Blayre Crawford

23-Steven Meyer and Ryan Almquist

30-Barry Steinman and Jered Rolves


    302 N Smith St Albany MO 64402